Michael Zachai
Wood Craftsman Extraordinaire
Deadwood Trading Post

Deadwood Oregon Trading Company, Deadwood, Oregon

Michael Zachai is at home in his 6000 sqft shop.  Michael has spent 40 years developing his wood crafting skills.  His passion shows in his creative art.  Michael makes furniture, toys, carvings, birdhouses, candle holders, and even pencils.  His abilities seem endless.  Michael even built the shop where he builds his wooden art.
Wooden Wall Sculpture measures 40" by 52"
Wooden salmon masures 24" long 10" tall  on stand.
Wooden wind-vane measures 28" long and 18" tall.
Wooden candle holder 3" high and 3" in diameter.
Wooden Birdhouse with brown ceramic chimney top.   10" high and 9" wide.
Handmade Alder Pencils.  6.5 " long and 1/2" in diameter.  Color or school gray.
Handmade Oak Toaster.  4.5 " long and 3.5" in long.  Wooden bagels are 3.0" in diameter.
Michael's shop is filled with wooden treasure.  Every box and every corner is filled with wooden toys, wall hangings, furniture, flower border fences, trellises, and wooden sculpture.  If you are looking for something specific, Michael might just have.
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